$100 Realtor Referral Program

A win-win for you and your clients!

Free, Free, Free!

Free to join for you, a free month of storage for your client, and a free welcome package

Our realtor referral program is a great way to provide an extra spot of service to your clients and make a bit of money at the same time! 

We offer a free month of rental to anyone referred by our realtor partners, and then the referrer gets a $100 check from us for the effort. 

We’ll also display your business cards in our office, so everyone can get a bit of a marketing boost! 

On top of all that, our realtor partners can get free use of our conference room during business hours - reserve ahead of time.

Elmwood Realtor Referrals

Be a hero for your clients

  • It’s FREE to join – Click the Join Today button below to sign up and we will deliver you a welcome package.
  • FREE month of storage for your clients – Part of your welcome package will include cards with your contact information on one side and a 1-month free storage coupon on the other. You look like a superhero to your client and get a referral fee without your client knowing.
  • $100 for you when each client rents from us – We mail you a $100 check when your client brings in their 1-month free coupon and rents a unit.
  • Your business cards displayed in our office - We will pick up your business cards when we drop off your welcome package.
  • FREE conference room use- We have a conference room with 12 chairs available during our business hours. Just call to reserve.